David Sigloch


David Sigloch


Interaction Designer

from Stuttgart, Germany.

User Centered Interfaces

and Journeys with

empathy and playfulness.







University History

3th Semester

The vast history of the HfG University is mostly unknown. 

In the summer semester of 2019, 6 interaction students were asked to develop a concept to better present and preserve this hidden history. This concept was based on a conceptual redesign of the HfG website and happened outside of the usual curriculum.

This project was supervised by 4 professors.

How to tell a great story

One of the main tasks for the design was to make the history of the HfG interesting for a broad user group. The content therefor had to be based on individual interest of the User.


The project team was given access to the university archive and collected further information from interviews and newspaper articles. Research found inspiration on other college sites, multiple personas and a user journey of the current university website.


browsing, exploring, discovering, stowing, red thread, constants,

liveliness, dynamics,emotion, making connections,quality,

references, attitude

These terms accompanied the project and reminded which design direction the concept should take in order to maintain interest.


Above you can see the end concept of the project.

Four tracks accompanied the user on his horizontal path through time. These are divided into: university, people, projects and students.

The horizontal scroll direction works like a timeline and is therefore easy to understand.

Events of the year are displayed at the bottom of the screen, divided into World history and design history. This allows all events to be linked.


All tracks can be enlarged to shift the focus. In this way, individual interests can be strengthened. An expanded track contains several sub-tracks grouped together under a general theme. If the track is unfocused, the information is minimized. To increase space, the navigation on the left side of the display, can be collapsed.

The structure invites you to discover the timeline 

and learn more about the history of the HfG.

On the maximum enlargement, the courses of the HfG can be viewed with there development of the according year. The individual courses can be highlighted in color by hovering over their names. With access to the project archive, even individual project can be accessed.

Former students can take a look at the old days and newcomers can get an overview of the zeitgeist.

Due to the size of the project, completion within one semester was not possible.

In the end a Clickdummie was created for future developement of the HfG History to be inspired.